St. Joseph, MO Portrait Photographer {I Heart Faces “Fix It Friday”}

I participated in my first Fix it Friday from I Heart Faces. Each Friday a new photo is selected and photographers from all over “fix it” by editing it how they see. The image below is the SOOC, straight out of camera image to be edited. The image was not taken by me, but was provided courtesy of Dana Suggs Photography.

FIF Image #89

And my edit:

I tend to use actions when I edit, but wanted to try editing this without any at all. It was VERY tempting, but I didn’t use any. The steps I took to edit the photo are:

1. Open the image as a RAW file and adjust the white balance.

2. Cloned out the material lying in the background.

3. Curve adjustment to the brick and metal.

4. Duplicated layer and changed to Multiply at 20% opacity.

5. Created a Layer Mask to reveal his skin from the original.

6. Added a High Pass 3 Filter overlay at 20%.

7. Yellow filter at 15% density.

8. Violet filter at 5% density

9. Light vignette over background masking boy back

10. Curve adjustment for the entire image.

11. Hue/Sat layer adjustment to remove yellow from brick/morter.

12. Clone metal wall to extend canvas to the left.

13. Cropped the image.

14. Add dappled texture and masked back skin/hair/clothes.

15. Add scratch texture and masked back skin/hair/clothes.

  • Vicki

    Very nice job on the background!