Thanks to You Sale {St. Joseph, MO Family Photographer}

Thank you! This sale has ended.:)

I am so very thankful for each of my clients, and to show my appreciation I am offering deep discounts on portrait sessions and products through Monday, November, 28, 2011. Session gift certificates may be used on any new session. Buy one for a gift or pre-purchase them for yourself!

Portrait Session Sale: 50% off all session gift certificates!

Individual Portrait Session: Includes 60-90 minute session, up to 20 edited proofs and your choice of a 2 digital files OR a print collection including one 11×14, one 8×10, and 16 wallets.

Family Portrait Session: Includes immediate family members in a 60-90 minutes session, and your choice of a 3 digital files OR a print collection including one 11×14, one 8×10, two 5x7s, and 16 wallets.

Newborn Portrait Session: Includes a 3-4 hour session within the first 10 days following birth, and your choice of a 2 digital files and 1 digital announcement OR a print collection including one 11×14, one 8×10, 16 wallets, and 10 birth announcements.

Mini Portrait Session: Includes 30 minute session for 1-2 people with 5-8 edited proofs and your choice of a 1 digital files OR a print collection including one 8×10 and 16 wallets.

*Gift certificates valid for any session booked after December 1, 2011. Not valid with any other offer or discount. One gift certificate or promotion per session. Missouri sales tax and flat rate shipping of $5 for each session is added to the gift certificate cost. Baby Step Plans and Wedding Collections are not included in this sale.

Digital Collection Sale (Sale includes a digital copy of all session images.)

Digital collections are also on sale! Wishing you would have purchased the disc from your 2010 portrait session? It’s not too late! Order any session disc from 2010 for only $250. (Regular price for a full session disc is $500.) 2011 portrait session discs may be purchased for $365*, and you may pre-purchase a session disc for any session held in the remainder of 2011 through the end of 2012 for $395!

*$365 Session Disks are for any re-order on any 2011 session. If the order is open or no order was placed, the $395 disk price is applicable.

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